Steffan Evans

Lin M reviewed May Comedy Stand Up which happened on Thu 5th May 2022.
Review posted at 9:09pm on Fri 6th May 2022.

Steffan Evans

Would you recommend to a friend?

Dani F reviewed Laura Lexx Headlining Rebel Rebel Comedy Night April which happened on Wed 6th Apr 2022.
Review posted at 6:08pm on Thu 7th Apr 2022.

Steffan Evans
Absolutely amazing MC and comedian makes the laughter look effortless would rate 11/5 stars

Would you recommend to a friend?

Steve B reviewed Ignacio Lopez Headlining Rebel Rebel Comedy Night March which happened on Wed 2nd Mar 2022.
Review posted at 6:38pm on Thu 3rd Mar 2022.

Steffan Evans

Would you recommend to a friend?

Beatriz A reviewed Ignacio Lopez Headlining Rebel Rebel Comedy Night March which happened on Wed 2nd Mar 2022.
Review posted at 4:52pm on Thu 3rd Mar 2022.

Steffan Evans


Geoff C reviewed Stuart Goldsmith Headlining Rebel Rebel Comedy Night February which happened on Wed 2nd Feb 2022.
Review posted at 10:14am on Fri 4th Feb 2022.

Steffan Evans

Would you recommend to a friend?

Gareth M reviewed Stuart Goldsmith Headlining Rebel Rebel Comedy Night February which happened on Wed 2nd Feb 2022.
Review posted at 5:25pm on Thu 3rd Feb 2022.

Steffan Evans
