Drew Cameron




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Drew Cameron is an award winning ‘stand-up chameleon’. 

In 2014 Drew was Brian May's first choice to compere his rock concert!!

In June 2014, Drew was performing his impressions on Eggheads where he also beat Judith, one of the Eggheads, on the head to head round!!

Through 2014, Drew has been Joe Longthorne’s support act on his theatre tours, where he often receives a standing ovation!

As well as live comedy events, you may have also seen his impressions on TV shows such as the Frank Skinner Show, or Dead Ringers. 

WARNING!!Watching Drew Cameron can seriously damage your health.A woman literally died laughing at one of his shows. It was an honour for him to be asked to perform two weeks later at her wake! Drew Cameron is two-faced. In fact he’s three faced and four and five……..well, over 70 in fact!
Combining fresh stand-up comedy with celebrity impressions

Drew Cameron


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First gig:
I started doing impressions in Primary school and at the age of 15 won on Opportunity Knocks 1969

Press, Quotes, Awards:
Voted Best Variety Act 2013by the NEA, (National Entertainment Awards).
Semi Finalist on BGT
Voted ‘Best new comedian’ on ITV

“Absolutely Mind boggling performance! Must be seen (and heard) to be believed” – Time Out magazine.
“Great confidence, script and impressions. You are the Stand Up we’ve been waiting for!” – Piers Morgan. (Britain’s Got Talent).
“the best Del Boy, Uncle Albert and impressionist I’ve ever seen” - Bobby Davro.

“Drew you were awesome, fantastic MEGASTAR; so incredibly funny, talented, warm and friendly. We absolutely loved you." - Conservative Association

Alan M reviewed Drew Cameron with 2 Support Acts! which happened on Sat 3rd Sep 2022.
Review posted at 9:10pm on Sun 4th Sep 2022.

Drew Cameron